Wednesday, January 20, 2010

ultimate christian trivia fail

okay, so here i am, doing my homework for 'the pentateuch', which involves summarizing each chapter of the book of Genesis in one sentence. as some of you may or may not know, jacob has a lot of sons. one in particular is named Gad.
aaanyway, i started reading chapter thirty-five, which goes something like "God said to joseph..."
and i was like "God? who's God?"

in my defense, it's 12:13 and i've had a pretty busy day.

hope i made you smile. or at laugh at my stupidity. either or.


Saturday, January 9, 2010

3rd year of prov...

my third year of college starts tomorrow
yep, my third. i'm not halfway through my second or third year, but starting my third.
because i started halfway through the school year in 07/08, my true year starts in second semester.

sooo, looking over the past two years of school; living in a dorm with nearly a hundred other guys, putting off homework until the 11th hour, being stranded in Nowhere, MB for weeks on end... all part of my Providence College experience. such a unique circumstance, the closest thing i can compare it to is working at a summer camp. living in such close quarters with people for a long duration of time... which can lead to some crazy situations, both good and bad. like working at summer camps, you can walk away with life long friends, and believe i definitely have.
there have been points throughout the past two years where i have thought about quiting. living in the city has always been the more attractive alternative. the UOM and the UOW would have suited me quite nicely, but leaving without have nothing to show for it has always brought me back to prov. plus, finishing what you start is also really important in life.

this upcoming semester, i want to focus on school a lot more; getting the most of my education while i can. although graduating from prov [next year ;)] is not even close to the end of Academia Road for me, it will definitely be a huge personal accomplishment. finishing strong and feeling good about how i got there is for sure something that has been on my mind over this past winter break. so much to do, so little time left.
i know this sounds 'new years resolution-y', but i don't intend it too. think of it more as part of the maturing process...

well, i'm excited to start round three of providence college, and to see where that leads.


Saturday, January 2, 2010

new years '10

now, i hate to start off my blog with something that is so typical... but! i feel it must be done.

sooo, it's the start of a new year, which means it's that time of year where people look ahead to the future and make plans of self-betterment. yes. 'new years resolutions'. [that's right, the lazy man's dictionary] defines resolution as:
the act of resolving or determining upon an action or course of action, method, procedure, etc.
now, we have everyone's tired, old lists that include acts such as frequenting the gym more, preparing a healthier diet, forming actual study habits, keeping your chin up and so forth. of course, these are all things worthy of revamping into good habits and the idea of changing them should be entertained... but let's be honest, if you were not hitting the gym, cutting trans-fat, picking up a book, and looking to the brighter side last month, chances are the acts you resolve to do will more than likely fizzle out mid-february [at best].
so my theory of true self-betterment is that if you actually want to be more productive with your time or whatever, is to not depend on a new year to bring a change to your schedule, but to integrate all these 'things' [whatever your resolutions may be] in a realistic way that works with your life, so they don't fade out.
if you're in school full time and working, going to the gym four times a week probably won't happen. if your working at McDonald's to pay off your car, not taking advantage of the 50% off on food would be ridiculous. you get the picture.

so! knowing all this. here are my new year's resolutions ;)
1) hit the gym more
2) eat less crappy food
3) have a higher interest in my classes
4) maintain a better attitude

get back to me mid-feb and see where i'm at.

later dayzzz
